Friday, August 28, 2009

Fall Sale Preview Party to benefit East Texas Food Bank!

Hi Friends,

I just have to share today about a local non-profit that will be benefitting from our fall sale! My mom and I are excited to be helping (and you too!) the East Texas Food Bank located here in Tyler. Click on their link at the left side of the blog and check out all the people and organizations that they help with food everyday. I was amazed to know that in their hands $1 = 8 meals! ( I'm doing good to get one meal for $8.) All the donations to shop the Preview Party will be given to them. Also, we have another yummy surprise that you will be interested in which benefits them also, but that story is for another day....
Check out their website at or click on the side bar link!

Happy Friday,


1 comment:

  1. Great post Jodi, I added the logo to the bottom as a link, FYI



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