Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Sunday Afternoon of FUN!

You know you can't put on a barn sale without ALOT of help and helpers! And we appreciate all their support, help, advice, opinions, cheers, sweat, encouragement, prayers and the list goes on, so we try to plan something fun for all of us to do after the sale! This past sunday was that day! We had such a fun afternoon....we made notecard hankies and learned how to make strawberry freezer jam!
You need some vintage hankies, ribbon, buttons and notecards or recipe cards...
And a very cute helper!
Love ribbon , don't you?
and more!
You fold the pressed and starched napkin/hankie around the notecards, tie with a ribbon and attach with thread your favorite button! I only got a picture of one of them...Wouldn't you love to get one? They make such a perfect little gift! So easy and fun! Thanks Starla for showing us the "how-to's" on these....
Then my sweet mama showed us how to make no - cook Strawberry freezer jam! This has been a family favorite for literally years! ( she just uses the recipe in the sure gel box!)
Of course, we got to have some chattin' time too!
See, they are intently listening...my mom is a teacher also, so she knows just how to keep our attention!
There is the finished product they got to take home!
We love our helpers and are SO thankful for them!

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