Monday, February 22, 2010

This weekend I used a....

Power Washer!!!!

It was such a wonderful , warm day on Saturday that I wanted to be outside at all costs! Soooo, I started to wash these cool awnings by hand and soon decided I would be there all day! So, Larry, my friendly neighbor lent me his power washer....
It worked great and was very fun to a water machine gun! I even left hubby a message on the driveway....oh ya!!!!! Well, you'll soon be seeing these in the barn...the sale is less than 2 months away!
ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. Power washers are so fun, once you get them hooked up. Once I get started I can go all day. One of the best inventions.
    Glad you had fun, and got those great awnings cleaned up.



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